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Preset Stacks Competition

This competition has now closed.

Win a world-class website homepage makeover!

Do you have a website that you’re not so proud of? Or do you know someone whose website could be better? 

To celebrate the launch of our new feature, Preset Stacks, we want to offer a free website homepage makeover to someone who feels like they really need it! And you don’t have to be a Rocketspark customer!

See a previous website homepage makeover from the designers at Rocketspark.


Fill out the form below and you will be in to win a website homepage makeover designed by us on our world-class platform, along with a three month free subscription of your choice! 

Entries close on Friday 30 April 2021. The winner will be announced the following Monday on Facebook and contacted directly. Go on! What are you waiting for? 

See below for Ts&Cs.

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Thanks for entering our Preset Stacks Competition, we will notify the winner shortly after the closing date which is Friday 30 April. Fingers crossed x

Terms & Conditions

  • We will create your homepage and show you how we did it
  • You will have 30 days to move the rest of your content to your new website, and our awesome support team will help you along the way
  • Your free three month subscription will kick in once your website is live. After your free three months, your paid subscription will start and you can choose to pay monthly or annually. See subscription pricing.


There's no website/email downtime. Your current site will remain online until your new Rocketspark website is live.

You can choose to keep your existing domain name and email account with your current provider, or get a brand new domain name and/or email with Rocketspark.