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New features for Rocketspark Design Partners

Christmas is a great time of giving and receiving gifts and eating tasty treats. While not as tasty as a box of scorched almonds, we’re pleased to announce a bundle of new features as we close out 2016 and head towards 2017.

We’ve received great feedback from design partners on feature requests throughout the year and the latest set of features will really help designers create sites faster and with more design control than ever.

New feature - Copy pages

Now with a click of a button you can copy an existing page in the Manage Pages menu and there are many ways this can help. Click the Copy icon beside the page you wish to copy and a duplicate page will be created and automatically set to be offline for you to edit.

There are many ways you can harness this feature, for example:

  • Quickly create consistent landing pages for different services a client may offer
  • Set up picture block hover effects on a page and copy the page
  • Create styles for block quotes and footers

You may even choose to set up a master template page at the start of a project which works like tasting plate of various features and styles to be used throughout the site and and then copy this master page as you create new pages.

New feature - Domain management made easy

This one has been a development biggie! We’ve created a domain management area within the website dashboard and automated domain registration and transfer. In the domains area in a website’s dashboard you can manage domains. For example, if you’re setting up email marketing and the domain needs to be verified with the email software’s DNS settings you can plug in the DNS settings directly in via the Domains are in the website dashboard.

The domain management functions are only available for domains managed by Rocketspark. Existing .uk domains managed by Rocketspark are not yet available within the Domain manager so any domain requests for UK domains will need to be managed via a support ticket.

One important change to note in your pricing to new clients is that the free domain is now only included for new domains and free for only for one year. Existing domains will be charged for when transferring to Rocketspark. We found that our offer of a free domain created a desire to transfer existing domains to us even though the transfer created headaches for existing business email accounts and carried the risk of lost business, which far outweighed the cost of a domain.

New feature - Menu style

The main menu font can now be independently controlled for setting the website menu’s font type, size and colour giving you almost full control over the entire template.

With great control comes great responsibility or something like that. It’s important to keep in mind how the menu fits onto the page as you choose different font sizes and styles.

New feature - One time use coupons in the shop

One of the most widely requested features amongst shop clients is the ability to provide one time use coupons.

There are a few ways your clients can use this feature in their Rocketspark shop:

  • Provide a loyalty voucher to super customers
  • Create gift vouchers containing a one time use code

Designing gift vouchers for email or print can be a nice design opportunity you can offer to clients to complement this new feature.

Here’s how the process works for selling gift vouchers online:

  1. Create the gift voucher as a product in the shop. Use the variants feature to create different values.
  2. When someone purchases a gift voucher create a one time use coupon in the Coupons menu in the shop settings for a fixed discount amount (i.e. not a % discount).
  3. Copy the Coupon code you create in step 2 into your gift voucher and send the gift voucher to the delivery address specified.

It’s a bit manual at the moment but please let us know any feedback about how clients are using this feature.

Design tweak - Shop checkout form

The Rocketspark shop checkout form didn’t look quite as smart as the rest of the site so we’ve refined the style of the form to match the look of the Rocketspark form block.

Feature tweak - Add-ons button in dashboard

Harnessing Rocketspark add-ons is a great way to extend the functionality of a Rocketspark website. While we focus on building the most beautifully simple website builder our add-on friends are focussed on creating the best accounting systems, online booking systems, form builders, email marketing systems… get the idea. So that it’s easy explore add-ons we’ve added into the website dashboard a direct link to our add-ons page.

Feature tweak - PDF logos

PDF logos can now be uploaded as the website logo so you don’t have to do any conversion to use a PDF logo with Rocketspark.

Please keep the feedback coming. We love all ideas and we’re working hard to ensure you can efficiently create beautiful websites that delight your clients.