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New Features: Domain Management, Copy Pages, Menu Design and more

Rocket-Santa has delivered a stocking full of new features this December, just in time for Christmas. So why not rip open the wrapping paper a little bit early and make the most of these features before the holiday season.

A home for your domain names, with full control

View and edit all of your domain names in your Dashboard

View all your domain names in a clear table and see which of your domain names is the primary domain name, which domains are pointing at your Rocketspark website and which ones are connected to email accounts with Rocketspark.

Full DNS record editing

If you like more technical domain name control, you can now add DNS records like CNAME's, A records, MX records and TXT records. If you're setting up or configuring some software that needs to connect to your domain, this is a lifesaver. Your IT guys will love you (and Rocketspark) for it. Or if you want to specify your own name servers, you can do that too.

Registering and transferring domains is automatic and magical

Whether you need to register a new domain or transfer a domain to Rocketspark, the process is automated. This means you get your domain names sorted faster and our team can spend more time working on new features than emailing you about domains.

New feature - Copy pages

Now with a click of a button you can copy an existing page in the Manage Pages menu of your Dashboard and it will copy the design, layout and all of the content. This is great if you want to set up a new page similar to one of your existing pages or set up a lot of pages with the same design and layout — then it's fast to just edit the content on each page. Just click the Copy icon beside the page you wish to copy and a duplicate page will be created and automatically set to be offline for you to edit and set it online when you're ready.

New feature - Menu style

The main menu font can now be independently controlled for setting the website menu’s font type, size and colour giving you almost full control over the entire template.

New feature - One time use coupons in the shop

You can now create one time use coupons with Rocketspark — this was one of our most requested ecommerce features. This is great for doing things like:

  • Provide a loyalty voucher to super customers
  • Create gift vouchers containing a one time use code

Design tweak - Shop checkout form

The Rocketspark shop checkout form didn’t look quite as smart as the rest of the site so we’ve refined the style of the form to match the look of the Rocketspark form block.

Feature tweak - Add-ons button in dashboard

Harnessing Rocketspark add-ons is a great way to extend the functionality of a Rocketspark website. While we focus on building the most beautifully simple website builder our add-on friends are focussed on creating the best accounting systems, online booking systems, form builders, email marketing systems… get the idea. So that it’s easy explore add-ons we’ve added into the website dashboard a direct link to our add-ons page