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Getting Growing: Rocketspark’s Carbon Action journey, with CarbonInvoice

We recently caught up with Carlos Chambers, CEO of CarbonInvoice, and Grant Johnson, CEO of Rocketspark, to chat about their exciting partnership with CarbonInvoice and our shared mission to enable small businesses to take simple and tangible carbon action which makes a positive impact on the environment and their business.

Taking steps towards sustainability with CarbonInvoice

In late 2023, Rocketspark teamed up with CarbonInvoice, a Kiwi-headquartered company serving clients in NZ, Australia and the UK and dedicated to mitigating carbon footprints by making it easy to measure your carbon footprint and respond with planting native trees in your local community. Grant discussed the proactive measures Rocketspark has taken to become a positive force for the environment, recognising the responsibility that comes with their carbon footprint. "As a responsible business owner, we knew we were creating a carbon footprint and wanted to take active steps to address it," he said.

Grant and the Rocketspark team considered different options of engaging consultants or trying to measure their footprint themselves, but these were too costly or complicated for businesses of their size specialising in providing websites not carbon related services. As busy business owners, they quickly decided that using simple yet powerful software which was free to measure and affordable to use ongoing was the right path. 

The beginning of the partnership saw Rocketspark easily measure its carbon footprint using CarbonInvoice’s powerful measurement software which links to Rocketspark’s Xero accounting file and analyses spend transactions to calculate the businesses carbon emissions. CarbonInvoice's measurement approach accords with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an internationally accepted standard to measure and manage emissions. Grant explained “It was super simple. Once we actually measured it, then it was actually no-brainer territory to actually click through”.  Within minutes Rocketspark had started funding the planting of native trees every month to compensate for its carbon footprint. This move was motivated by Rocketspark’s desire to take responsibility for its carbon footprint and to do something today.  Rocketspark also wants to show to design partners and customers that it’s easy for them to start making a difference too.

Making a real impact: Trees in the ground

Since partnering with CarbonInvoice, Rocketspark has been putting its money where its mouth is, actively funding the planting of native trees to mitigate their carbon footprint. As of July 2024, Rocketspark has funded 232 native trees, and is forecast to fund another 200+ in 2024 . "It's cool that now we're starting to tell the story. There's actually a bit of a track record of taking action," Grant shared enthusiastically.


Carlos and Grant also delved into the issue of greenwashing, emphasising the importance of authenticity in their environmental efforts. "We wanted to make sure this is real and that it’s the right thing," Grant stressed. Thorough due diligence ensured that the trees being planted were native and genuinely beneficial to the environment. "It's not just paying for trees that already exist or buying carbon credits from questionable sources. These are real trees, native trees, going into the ground," he explained. CarbonInvoice curates and works with experienced and credible tree planting partners including Trees That Count in New Zealand and Carbon Positive in Australia. The trees are funded in local communities where the Rocketspark team and community can engage with them over time.  

This approach aligns with Rocketspark's ethos of genuinely caring for their community and the environment. Greenwashing, where companies falsely advertise their environmental efforts, undermines trust. Grant and his team were determined to avoid this pitfall by ensuring their actions were transparent and impactful. This was a key reason for choosing to partner with CarbonInvoice and support its simple and concrete approach of a robust carbon measurement and new native trees.

Encouraging the community: Simple steps for big impact

Grant highlighted how easy it is for Rocketspark's graphic design partners and small business clients to take similar steps in mitigating their carbon footprints. By connecting their accounting software, such as Xero and MYOB, with CarbonInvoice, businesses can easily measure and mitigate their carbon emissions. "For our graphic design partners and small business clients, this is a real opportunity to create a point of difference in a competitive market," he noted.

Small steps, like those taken by Rocketspark, collectively make a substantial impact. For instance, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in New Zealand, Australia and the UK are a significant part of the economy and conservatively contribute 30% to carbon emissions. By adopting sustainable practices, they can significantly reduce their environmental impact. CarbonInvoice’s research suggests  between 5-10% of small businesses are actively measuring their carbon footprint  and taking positive action to mitigate it Carlos highlighted that it’s much easier than you might think to measure your carbon footprint and take action to reduce or mitigate it through funding the planting of native trees.

Building community through sustainability

One of the standout aspects of the Rocketspark and CarbonInvoice partnership is the potential to build a community around taking action on sustainability. "We see the potential to build community by bringing Rocketspark partners, team, and clients to the [native tree] planting days," Grant said. This community aspect is not just about paying money and feeling good but about coming together to have a real world experience, make a tangible impact getting our own hands dirty and planting real trees together

This effort is not just a corporate initiative but a movement involving the entire Rocketspark family. By organising planting days, they foster a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility. It's about everyone rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands dirty for a cause that benefits us all.

A Collaborative Future

The partnership between Rocketspark and CarbonInvoice showcases how businesses or all sizes can make a significant impact through collaboration and commitment to sustainability action. Grant's message to the Rocketspark community is clear: "Taking steps to reduce carbon footprints is not only good for the planet but also beneficial for business." By working together, the Rocketspark ecosystem of software, designers, and small businesses can create a better future for everyone.

This journey of Rocketspark and CarbonInvoice is a testament to the power of community, innovation, and responsibility. As they continue to grow and support their users, Rocketspark remains dedicated to making a positive difference in the world. "We’re all in this together, and together, we can make a real difference," Grant concluded. So, here's to a greener, more sustainable future.

“We encourage our design and business community members to consider the part they can play in the climate effort. We hope to set an example and inspire others to follow our lead”. What Rocketspark has learned and proven through the CarbonInvoice partnership is that taking action is an option for smaller businesses. It’s good for the planet and good for their businesses and their clients and community.

Learn more about Rocketspark's partnership with CarbonInvoice here.