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Picture perfect: A retailer's guide to must-have product photos

Got your online shop live and feeling the buzz? That's brilliant! 🎉 But wait, have you given much thought to your product photography? Nailing those shots can turn browsers into buyers—your sales will thank you. 📸 🌟

Clear-cut shots from different angles

First up, we've got your bread and butter—clear-cut product photos. Show your items from multiple angles. You want to showcase every detail, so your customers know exactly what they're getting.

The lifestyle shots: In real life 🏡

Showing your products in a real-world setting gives them context. It’s easier for customers to imagine using your product if they see it in action. Selling kitchenware? Show it on a gorgeously set dining table. Fashion items? Get some snaps of someone wearing the apparel in an everyday setting. These shots help people visualise how the product fits into their life.

We also asked Ruth Gilmour (who does stunning product shoots) for her advice on product photography:

Ruth’s tip: With product photography, accurate colour is key! Make sure you choose a photographer that doesn’t use really strong coloured filters, so the natural colours of your products shine through.

Invest in a model: Finding the right person to showcase your products on, may be an investment but hiring a model, or finding someone who knows how to move, will add that extra polish to your images.

Peek behind the curtain: The manufacturing process 🏭

If your items are handcrafted, organic, or have a unique selling point in how they're made, showing a bit of the manufacturing process can really elevate your brand. It's like giving your customers a backstage pass to the magic of your brand story.

Feature highlights: zoom in 🕵️

Close-ups can draw attention to specific features that make your product special. Think about texture, craftsmanship, or any unique design elements. A picture’s worth a thousand words, but a great picture can make a sale!

The size and scale 📏

Sometimes it's hard to gauge the size of a product online. Adding an object for scale (like a coin or a hand) can solve this mystery for the customer. Just make sure it's an object they're familiar with, otherwise you're back to square one.

Group shots and variations 🎨

Got a product in different colours or styles? Show them off together in a single shot. It’ll save your customers from having to scroll through multiple product pages, and who knows, they might just buy more than one!

Social proof: User-generated content 🤳

Last but not least, never underestimate the power of social proof. Feature photos from satisfied customers using your product. Not only does it build trust, but it also adds a touch of community spirit.