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Introducing Kyra Piccione

We have a new creative cat here at Rocketspark. Kyra Piccione has joined us to kick off 2021, bringing with her the passion to tell our stories.

Kyra has spent most of her young adult life telling stories, through journalism, PR and as a communications guru in her past roles. After being nominated as a finalist in the NZ Media Awards for Junior Journalist of the Year in 2017, she went on a backpacking adventure to over 20 different countries. 

Since then, she has been honing her craft of writing for a few different companies, while learning new hobbies, like beekeeping and lip balm making, along the way.

When she explained why she wanted to join the Rocketspark team, she said it came down to needing a change.

“Last year was really tricky for most, and by the end of it I needed something fresh. I’d worked with some of the Rocketspark team at my previous job and knew from those experiences it would be an awesome place to work.

“I’m really excited about my new role, I can’t wait to meet the clients of Rocketspark and tell their stories,” she said.

Outside of work, Kyra spends a lot of time outdoors exploring nature with her husband, during the summer. You’ll find them either fishing, hiking, camping, swimming at the beach with friends or just lounging in the sun. Winter, on the other hand, is a completely different time for her. She hates the cold and spends most of the dreaded chilly months curled up indoors with her two cats, Monty and Freddie, binge watching shows or reading crime fiction novels.

Make sure you follow us on our social media platforms to catch content coming from Kyra and the team soon, we’re on: FBInstaLinkedInTwitter and YouTube.