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Rev up your online sales with Rocketspark + Mailchimp ecommerce

Graphic showing rocketspark logo & intuit mailchimp logo and screenshots of the shop page and mail integration

It’s true what they say, that you can establish and maintain customer loyalty and boost sales with email marketing. Email is still one of the most effective messaging channels around with 59% of respondents saying marketing emails influence their purchase decisions. This is where Rocketspark’s Mailchimp integration is super helpful to have in your marketing toolbox.

Graphic of different screenshots from the ecommerce & mailchimp features

Mailchimp is a powerful email marketing solution

We’ve integrated Rocketspark with Mailchimp ecommerce so that you’re able to: 

  1. Enable your online shoppers to opt-in or subscribe to your newsletters via a checkbox as part of the checkout process. 
  2. Easily and effortlessly communicate directly with potential leads, first timers and repeat customers using automated emails.

Whether you’re an existing Mailchimp user or you’re new to email marketing, it’s easy to connect your Mailchimp account with your Rocketspark store or to set up a new account with Mailchimp and connect it to your website.

Once you’ve connected your Rocketspark website with your Mailchimp account, all the purchase data (including carts, customer details, orders & product details) from your online store will automatically be captured in your Mailchimp account. When you log-into Mailchimp, you’re able to navigate to the Audiences tab where you can organise your customers, or contacts into segments using Tabs, for instance. 

Information collected from your Rocketspark store will allow you to make informed marketing decisions when setting up automated emails to boost your sales.


We recommend these top 5 email automation types

Set these up NOW to boost sales in your Rocketspark ecommerce store.

1. Get a second chance to make a sale with a Recover abandoned cart email

Take the opportunity to get shoppers back to their carts with the Recover abandoned carts type of automated emails. You can set up an email automation for any potential customers who put at least one item in their cart and make it to the checkout, enter their email, but then do not complete payment. Read more about the Abandoned carts automation here.

2. Show you care with a Follow-up email

Send a Product Follow-up/review email to your customer after they purchase certain items from your online store. Ask them to review the product/s, then use this insight to follow up with them by sending them information about new products that could be of interest to them.

3. Send a Thank you email to express your appreciation

Graphic of sending a thank you code to a customer

Thank first-time customers after they've made their first purchase with an automated Thank you email, a great opportunity to turn them into a repeat customer with a coupon code. It’s also a great opportunity to recommend other products to them that are similar to what they previously purchased, or a way to invite them to connect with your businesses social media to stay informed with what’s new.

4. Reward your best customers with coupons

You’re able to capture customer data when your Rocketspark store is connected to your Mailchimp account. Use this insight to bring your best customers back to your store by showing them how much you value them with sale announcements or special coupons. Read about coupon codes here.

5. Bring back long-lost customers by keeping in touch

Picture of mobile phone with mail & mailchimp logo around it

Win back lapsed customers with automated emails to those who haven't purchased from your store in a specific timeframe. A good way to entice them to return and see what’s new. According to Mailchimp, this type of automation has proven effective in helping businesses generate triple the number of orders per recipient than a bulk email would.

Boost sales & gain loyalty with sophisticated email marketing

Mailchimp ecommerce is available on Rocketspark's Ecommerce Grow and Pro plans. 

Exceed your customer’s expectations with excellent communication, to boost your online sales. Online shoppers are becoming accustomed to a start-to-finish great customer experience—to feel nurtured, connected and understood. Email is a good channel to use because it gives you a chance to speak directly to your customers, at a time that suits them. 

We’ve taken the sales and marketing process to the next level so that you’re able to use the best email marketing tools to drive sales through your Rocketspark online store.

Learn how to connect your Rocketspark store with Mailchimp ecommerce.

Don’t have an ecommerce website?

That’s okay, you’re still able to connect your Rocketspark website with your Mailchimp account to capture your website visitors/leads email addresses using a newsletter sign-up form.  Information collected from your form, on your website is captured in your Mailchimp account under the Audience tab where you’re able to manage your contacts. Get started. 

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